We are so excited to welcome pole artist Marion Crampe to the PERSU COLLECTION tribe! As a dancer, performer, instructor, and mentor, Marion has made a huge positive impact in the pole community holding titles such as Pole Idol 2013, and “Representin” – the award for the most positive role model in 2014 and 2016. But, the road to success was not and still is not easy. We took a moment to learn how Marion creates a balance between the daily grind of intense training, while listening to her body in order to pursue her passion of not only dance, but spirituality, human connection, and movement.
What is your morning routine?
I usually wake up very early. I love mornings; everything is quiet, the light and colors are amazing and so much time to do many things.
I start my day, no matter where I am in the world, with my meditation. If I'm home, I like to go for a swim or run with my husband. Or, directly to coffee time before starting the second part of my day.
Do you have an evening routine?
Since I wake up early in the morning, I'm not a night owl. After a long day of full training, managing and organizing my schedule and emails, I have to admit that I can be in bed around 10 pm.
How often do you train for pole and flexibility?
I am very disciplined with my training and organization. Depending on my work schedule ( workshops, shows...), I adapt constantly to my training. I love to train pole and flexibility. I have been very passionate about it since day one. But to keep this passion really high, I make sure to practice other disciplines.
If I have a performance, I will train more specifically for that. Otherwise, I really try to make my training schedule as varied as possible. It helps me to keep my love for my work and also helps prevent injuries.
Do you do any other forms of exercise?
Oh yes. I love movement and to experiment with other things. I do running and swimming with my husband, a passionate athlete himself. I also love to dance. I just discovered Acro Yoga last week and I feel I might have found another passion there.
What does your nutrition plan look like (if you have one)?
I'm going to be very honest with you. I used to answer I eat "Marion style". I mean I eat what makes me happy and feels good in my own body. I don't follow any specific nutrition plan.
How did you make pole your full-time career? What did it take?
I worked hard and I'm still working a lot. Someone used to say: " It is hard to get there, and it requires even more to stay there".
Luckily I wake up every day to do something I have chosen to do. And this is truly amazing.
Did you have to make any sacrifices to get to where you are now?
Well, who doesn't? I believe that if you really want something and you give everything you've got, no matter the sacrifices, magic will happen.
I believe.
What is the best thing you have purchased over the last 3 months?
I'm not a huge shopper but my last purchases are a set of massage balls, a necklace for my husband to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary, and a pair of new socks for running.
What are 3 books you would recommend to others or give as gifts?
- The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle
- The Fourth Agreements by Miguel Ruiz
- The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan Phillip Sendker
Where is your favorite place to travel to?
As I always say, it is not about where - it is about with who. And, everywhere there are amazing souls to connect with.
I like to say I'm a citizen of Earth. :)
Where can we watch you perform next?
- Soloist in the new circus show "Era " directed and produced by Jenyne Butterfly and Virago Production
-Russian tour this November
Avec Passion.
-Marion Crampe

The lovely Marion also hosts a variety of workshops worldwide. More information can be found on her Facebook page and below.
"How do I feel when I dance? Alive."
Spain + all over the world! (traveling pole gyspy)